Perhentian Islands

Boat Rides

The journey to the perhentian islands required a 2 hour flight from kuala lumpur, then an hour long taxi ride from the airport, and finally another 30-60 minute boat ride from the mainland to the island. There are no cars in the perhentian islands and you're only means of transportation is by foot or by boat. There are plenty of little 4-seater motorized longboats to taxi you from different beaches. We also rented a kayak one day and paddled about 1/4 of the way around one island (and got plenty of sun in the process).


We spent a week in the perhentian islands and stayed at the Senja Bay Resort. It was a fairly basic wooden hut with limited availability of electricity and hot water but it also made for a nice treasure island kind of vibe.

Trail Hiking

There are three main camps on the island where we stayed. The camp we stayed at was the west side of the island, and referred to as the quiet side by the locals. About a mile hike through the jungle to the eastern shore was the party side of the island. There was also the fishing village, which was about 3-5 miles southeast of both the other two camps.

We hiked across the island to the party side almost once a day. On one particular day we also hiked from our hotel through the jungle to the fishing village. The hiking path to the fishing village has fallen into disrepair and was a little overgrown in places but was still passable with a little teancity.

Making it through the forest we were rewarded to loudspeakers blaring muslim prayer for afternoon worship and some delicious food. We took a water taxi back to the party side for cocktails after having lunch in the fishing village.

Beach Time

We spent a lot of time eating / drinking / sleeping / playing / relaxing on the beach as well

Beautiful Views

The perhentian islands aquamarine water / rocky hillsides and white sand beaches made for some beautiful views too.