Raised Garden


We only took a few pictures during the construction phase but it was a fairly simple (and is a potentially unsafe structure) build. The entire box is supported by 4 steel fence posts and the wood frame is mouned on galvanized brackets that attach to the fence posts. It is graded to one side and has drainage holes at the low end. The entire thing is painted with about 6 coats of a generic version of 'flex seal' so it should hold up to moisture ok. It was first filled with 200 pounds of charcoal to create a nice layer for drainage. Then it was filled with a combination of sand, coconut husk fiber, clay, and topsoil. I estimate the final soil mixture to weigh in around 4000 lbs, which i had to load into wheel barrows, roll down the hill, and finally shovel back out of the wheelbarrow back into the box!

Peppers and Tomatoes

We planted 5 pepper plants and a tomato plant that has produced a nice yield of peppers we can't find at the grocery store like gochugang and thai chillis. It's probably more of a novelty thing than a real profitable venture at this point though.